Vitamins for Heart Disease

  When a dog has a heart problem, diet is a large part of his treatment plan. Enhance your dog’s diet naturally with supplements and vitamins, such as Vitamin E, B-complex and chromium and selenium. Likewise, natural amino acids such as L-carnitine and taurine have been successful in helping dogs with congestive problems. L-carnitine aides the way a dog processes fat and energizes his heart. While taurine protects the heart from getting too much calcium and enhances the cell membranes.

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Homeopathic Vaccinations for Dogs

  Homeopathic shots are given with less frequency than vaccinations in traditional veterinary care. The main goal of giving a homeopathic shot is to prevent illness that can arise from the vaccine itself. As an alternative to regular medical vaccinations, homeopathic nosodes are used. They are made from an alternative disease product and help to prevent viral infection. Nosodes are given based upon the animal practitioner’s diagnosis of your pet. This can includes such factors at the dog’s...

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Feed Your Dog an Organic Diet

  The homeopathic approach to animal care centers on prevention. Many times a specialist will look at what your dog is eating and suggest a balanced, natural diet. Feeding your dog organic products can better maintain his digestive health and weight. Organic foods are typically made with whole grains and good sources of protein. Just be sure the meat source is truly organic. This will ensure that the beef, fish or poultry is free of antibiotics, hormones and preservatives. Putting your dog...

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Transmission of Roundworms

  The roundworm may be transmitted though direct contact with an infected dog, through the ingestion of parasite eggs or from mother to puppy through birth and lactation. The parasite is a long, tubular and white colored worm that can get to the size of up to 5 inches and can be vomited or eliminated through feces. Symptoms of Roundwork Infection in Dogs A dog with roundworm infection will present the following symptoms: Poor skin and hair condition, hair loss Lack of appetite Dehydration Diarrhea Liver...

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Vitamins and Supplements

  Vitamin and mineral supplements are the most popular homeopathic remedies used in veterinary medicine. Many conditions can be traced back to insufficient nutrition, and some conditions can be lessened or improved with added vitamins and supplements. Supplemental glucosamine and chondroitin are popular homeopathic remedies for dogs suffering from arthritis, while Vitamin E, L-carnitine and taurine supplements can encourage healthy functioning of the liver, heart and other organs. Homeopathic...

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